Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Promise Eleven

"We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us" The Eleventh Promise

According to the dictionary the word Intuitive means "having the ability to understand or know something without any direct evidence or reasoning process."

In the context of the 12 promises I'm not positive what this promise means. But I think it means that most of the time we will know exactly the right thing to do, based on the summation of all the experiences we've had in our lives. I've heard the word intuitive defined in other ways that I also like. One is that intuition is the summation – the quintessence - of all our knowledge to this point of our life.

And up until the point we quit pouring alcohol down our throat our intuition couldn't have worked very well. In other words most of our experiences were gained while we were in the throes or grips of poor judgment induced by being drunk. And if all of our experiences were filtered through the cloud of poor judgment induced by alcohol just the idea that we get sober would help this part of our brain work so much better.

As we evolved through millions of years we acquired all kinds of experiences that helped us continue our species - in fact to become the dominant species on the planet. Most of our survival, prior to us becoming civilized, was made by making decisions based on split-second actions or reactions. Once we get sober I believe that our judgment automatically becomes better because the cloud in which we functioned has dissipated.  And our decision-making comes down to simply "is this going to help my life or harm it?" 

And usually our sober intuition will answer that for us.