Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Promise Ten

 "Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us." The 10th promise

There are a lot of reasons why people fear others. And why we fear economic insecurity. But the promises teach us that these will leave us. And I know that in my case that has been true.

As far as the first part – fear of people – there have been some people that I have feared and some that I haven't been afraid of. For some reason, probably because of my being brought up by an alcoholic father, I was always comparing myself to others. What they had. What they did for a living. Where they went to school. How they dressed. For me it was always a comparison game and for some reason I came out on the short end. And that made me feel socially incompetent.

But since I've gotten sober all of that stuff is gone away. I no longer compare myself to other people. I know that there are some who do things better than I do, just as I know that I do some things better than others. The one thing that has made a big difference for me is the fact that I have quit using alcohol and other substances. I know that deep down I just felt worthless most of the time because I wasn't living up to my potential. That's where my fear of people came from. I felt like they were judging me, though probably in reality they didn't give a crap. As long as I didn't cause problems in their life they were pretty much okay with leaving me to do my thing. But since I've gotten sober I feel like that I've learned to mesh with society, to contribute to the community, and to give back to a world that I had taken so much from.

As to the economic insecurity, I'm one of those people who has always been fortunate in that I have the ability to make money. I have owned several different businesses in my life. I've had a lot of material success. My problem was that because of my addictions I was unable to hang on to anything. Either I gave it away, or spent it on partying with people who were like me. I don't know how many businesses and relationships I lost because of my disease.

Today, going on 26 years of sobriety I feel secure in myself in most every way. And I know that none of this would've come to me unless I first got sober.