Saturday, April 7, 2012

Real Values...

After group last night, during which we discussed recovery and other values, a participant sent a text message:

"Life is short, those whom we care for, those whom we love, they are all we really have this life.  Everything else is extra.

"As we grow older and wiser we learn to take happiness in the simple things in life, a smile, a flower, a hug, a thank you, simple things that usually don't cost a thing but a little bit of your time. Little things that if you were to leave this earth tomorrow, those close to you would remember the most. What we leave behind in the hearts of others says who we were, who we loved, and how we lived."

This woman's words moved me because – in my mind - kindness and loving others is the essence of life. They also have strong meaning because this woman spends most of her time helping other addicts and alcoholics who are in early recovery. It’s been refreshing to see her blossom in her program.

She’s an example of how we grow when we get into serious service work.

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